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Am I weird?

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I am working to become Japanese idol in order to meet a couple online friends I have over in Japan even though they are 6 and 8 years older than me.... Am weird for this fact? (note..this is only a small part in my reasoning but its one of the eaisiest to explain..and if I wanetd to explain it all it would take forever)

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Not weird.. although I would say a goal like that would seem rather unusual and requires a lot of optimism. (but optimism is usually a very good thing.)

Am I weird for generally preferring indie VK bands to major VK bands?

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Not at all. Many people do.

I love to dip my french fries into chili sauce THEN dip it into ice cream and eat it.

I say it's more delicious that way.

Most people I know think it's wierd (and kind of gross). Do you agree with them?

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^ I personally don't dig it, but mixing the salty with sweet and the hot with cold isn't something totally unheard of, some people just have the tongue for it. So I would say it's not that weird.

I'm the quickest to start talking to people I've just met (like in a new school or something), but the slowest to make even a casual friend to eat during lunch with. Is that weird?

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^ Nope, I have the exact same "issue" lol.

I like to keep my music taste to myself, is that weird?

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^ wait, why is that weird, isn't that like American staple food? (or do you mean is it weird to have it with jam rather than jelly?) Nah you're not weird.

@sai holy crap I do that too

I prefer living in a relatively small apartment rather than a large one even if money isn't an issue, is that weird?

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no, because small apartments are cheaper that means more money for beer

I love trains, i am weird?

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^ weird if you're expecting a train to suddenly come here and hit someone every time you say that, like in asdf movie, otherwise you're not weird :)

When I listen, sometimes I'm paying attention only to the sounds instead of the words people say, am I weird?

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nope is very normal have that typoe phobia

i have a problem with necro stuff ( philia, necrophagia) I am weird?

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Nope, you just seem to be kind of shy.


When I read some words I see other words that in my native language correspond to porn, pussy, blowjob, shit, fuck and that kind of stuff. Am I weird?

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Nope! I remember having one best friend for years when I was younger called Mimi and she was an alien. I can even remember her now, she was my closest friend lol. Whatever age you are, I think it's a good weird. ^^


Is it weird, at a teenage age, to not want to go outside at all? (it's the only thing I can think of right now and mother accuses me of this too many times ehe)

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Nope, not at all. I've seen this with many other teens too, including myself (at times).


Is it weird that I only wear certain clothes when I feel like it? I've had clothes I haven't worn yet for over 3 months because I feel as if I won't have a good day in them due to certain people. I contribute what you wear to how your day goes *_*

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Not at all. My clothes and moods somewhat depend on each other too, and I believe this is the same for most other (fashionable) people.


Is it weird that I depend on my love and admiration for certain unreachable individuals (in this case; musicians) as a substitute for friendships and relationships, instead of accepting attention from people who are close to me? I like to imagine them as my actual friends in (day)dreams, mostly because I cannot find pain and disappointment in imaginary contact.

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^No, I feel the same way sometimes.


I don't like sandwiches (with two exceptions: bacon + tomato and grilled cheese), but I'll gladly eat all the components of the sandwich if they're laid out on a plate separately. Is that weird?

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Do you mean you like the individual ingredients as opposed to eating them all at once, or that you lay lettuce, tomato, meat, etc. all on different plates and then eat them? I think the latter is a little weird haha : )

(That's a good combo btw.)


Speaking of food, I like taking niblets of food as opposed to taking big bites. 

Is that weird?

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Not at all. That way you take more flavor in small bites plus sometimes the ladies dig the nibbles. 

Is it weird that whenever I see a cute girl that I'm attracted to I imagine her crying or her sad face so I can be prepared when it happens?

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Is it weird that whenever I see a cute girl that I'm attracted to I imagine her crying or her sad face so I can be prepared when it happens?


Definitely no. People are ugly when they cry. No one cries like in the movies where they cry just a few beautiful tears while maintaining a perfectly serene face.






I prefer to listen to ~*embarrassing*~ stuff in Youtube so that it won't show up in my last.fm stats and ruin them. Am I weird?

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