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Websites for buying Tanbi Kei style clothes (Versailles)?

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Does anybody know a website/websites for buying Tanbi Kei clothing (Versailles-style)? 

I've seen some sites but they don't sell male clothing (the Versailels prince-like/fantasy style). 

Also, I can't even really find female Tanbi Kei clothes. It's mostly just classical/gothic lolita, which isn't exactly what I want. 


Do you guys know some websites for Tanbi Kei clothes (Versailles' style)? 


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Depending on how #basic you're fine with you can always try sites like sexpot.jp or algonquins.jp.  SPR ships all their items overseas with cdjapan.co.jp and i'm pretty sure algonquins does too.
You could also try closetchildonlineshop.com - they've got a huge variety at really nice prices, but they're all used so you've got to be okay with checking pretty often to find a certain type of thing. They also ship overseas, from their own site, but i'm pretty sure they've written instructions in english.
ofc if you're broke as i am and want to get creative to make things work, someone i follow on tumblr made this really helpful post

But this is all a non-answer ofc, bc i'm pretty sure bands as funded/famous as Versailles  just have private designers on hand.
closet-child might be your best bet though - i've definitely seen some stuff that at least looks like a cheap imitation of tambi-ish style.
hope at least one of those links helps!

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