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Stupid And Cool Band Names

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Of course, this is all my opinion.


Cool Band Names



GOTCHAROCKA ( I actually saw a few folks saying this name was stupid, but if you actually watched an interview of them describing the meaning behind it, it isn't that bad or "stupid". Oh and they're my favs so ofc I think it's cool :lolita_happy: )


Anli Pollicino


Blesscode (cheesy, but cool)



Bad Band Names



Glam Grammar (Grammar's not glam...more like stressful)

NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST (okay i love them but this is cheesy on a whole other level)

DOG in the PWO 



and the one that absolutely takes the cake:


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Browsed around another Japanese download site, and found a lot of stupid names. I don't think these were mentioned before:



Plastic Girl in Closet



Wake Up, Girls!



agenda is packed

A Barking Dog Never Bites

my ex



Beat Buddy Boi

i am robot and proud

never young beach



Awesome City Club

I Don't Like Mondays.

Upset Heroes!

for example you sell the sea

Suck a Stew Dry

Do As Infinity

the chef cooks me




... that's probably enough for now.


Honorable Mentions:


Wagakki Band - I really love this band, but their name literally translates to "Japanese Traditional Instrument Band". ..............


I'm surprised nobody mentioned K (the Korean R&B singer who also had a successful Japanese career) during the single-letter discussion. There was also a solo female punk/rock "singer" using the name D[di:]. I really liked her because she couldn't sing at all.


Let us not forget ν[NEU], especially because that thing that looks like a v is actually the greek letter "nu", and I think their name is just pronounced "nu", but I keep calling them "Vee new".


And lastly, the VK band †яi¢к . 

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Let us not forget ν[NEU], especially because that thing that looks like a v is actually the greek letter "nu", and I think their name is just pronounced "nu", but I keep calling them "Vee new".


Seriously never even considered NOT calling them 'vee-new' until right now.


And I don't know who OLEDICKFOGGY are but I am definitely checking them out immediately... that name is amazing!


I can't really define what I think makes a cool band name... nonsensical phrases either really hit or miss with me. I think My Heaven's Luck Sisters is a great band name, but think My Bacteria Heat Island is kinda stupid. There's really no logic.

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I always read v[NEU] as vee-new...shit.


i will take this opportunity to say plastic girl in closet is a really stupid name but the band is good (DOUBLE VOCALS) so check them out *disappears*

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You mean it's not "vee-new"? I never would have guessed.


Then again, I still read xTRiPx as "ekks trip" in my head. Even though there's clearly a second x at the end and I know it's just "trip", I can't see it any other way for some reason.

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I can't really define what I think makes a cool band name... nonsensical phrases either really hit or miss with me. I think My Heaven's Luck Sisters is a great band name, but think My Bacteria Heat Island is kinda stupid. There's really no logic.


Agreed. There were a lot more "nonsensical phrase" names that I saw, but I found them acceptable or cool for no particular reason. I saw a band called ANGRY FROG REBIRTH, and I thought that's a pretty cool name. But other people might think it's a dumb name.



You mean it's not "vee-new"? I never would have guessed.


Then again, I still read xTRiPx as "ekks trip" in my head. Even though there's clearly a second x at the end and I know it's just "trip", I can't see it any other way for some reason.


I always read that name as "ekks trip ekks".

Another one I screw up constantly is D=OUT. It's just pronounced like the English word "doubt" but I read it as "dee out".


You guys made me doubt myself re: ν[NEU]. I just checked vkdb and they say the pronunciation is "nyuu" (ニュー) . http://www.vkdb.jp/NEU.html 

So yeah, it's really not "vee new". ^_^

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'Arsonists Get All The Girls' is pretty high in the stupid list.


These two are some pet peeves of mine, but the names "Cannibal Corpse" and "Nocturnal Bloodlust" make me cringe a bit every time I hear them... They could've chosen "Zombie" and "Vampirism", you know...

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I think Pay money To my Pain is a damn good band name. Back then, it left such an impression that I went to check out their music and buy their stuff just because their name sounded so cool and intrigued me.

I think MORRIGAN, Para:noir, KYOKUTOU GIRLFRIEND, EAT YOU ALIVE, kannivalism, amber gris – are cool names, too.



Not starting with the stupid ones because this list is endless and many noteworthy ones have been mentioned already.
In general I laugh about any names [LiKe;thi'S] – The 90's called, they want their special characters back.


Honorable mention for Western bands: I love both Nine Inch Nails and How To Destroy Angels as band names.

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I do kinda like the uniquely Japanese trend of running two words into one band name. The girls seem to be the ones who do it.


Bridear - Bride & Dear

Aldious - Ultimate & Melodious

BandMaid - Band & Maid

Destrose - Destroy & Rose


And let's face it, there's a screwball new band name in the News section almost every day. :)

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That's one hell of a bandname. And for their debut they've chosen the interesting title "Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ kosmatęchničnaha ordęna palieakantakta, najstaražytnyja ipastasi dawosiewych cywilizacyj prywodziać u ruch ręzanansny transfarmatar časowapadobnaj biaskoncaści budučyni u ćwiardyniach absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, uwasabliajučy ŭ ęfirnuju matęryju prach Ałulima na zachad ad ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b"


I'll add the tracklist as well, just for the hell of it:


1, Transhręsiŭnaje Ŭšęście Ęn-Miendurana Skroź Pramianistuju Dęĺtu Wialikaha Architęktara Al-Sadirah Minujučy Modusy Času Ankh-F-N-Khonsu, Niewiadomaha Wartaŭnika Wuzłoŭ Maa-Atef-F, Da Abicieli Adąda...    


2. Imknieńnie Apantanaści Hniewu Sębęka Da Słupoŭ Twaręńnia Ruin Aššurbanipała Skroź Zabaronieny Šliach Ęmpiryjakrytycyzmu Miedytatyŭnych Pahłyblieńniaŭ Ćiomnych Zaklinaĺnikaŭ Pustyni Ŭšęścia Płutona...

3. Da Pytańniaŭ Ab Suziraĺnym Paznańni Naradžęńnia Trahiedyi J Niaŭchiĺnaści Hibeli Isnaha Ŭ Wučeńni Anihiliacyi, Jak Pra Pieršaęliemienty Praŭdziwaj Pryrody Askietyčnych Praliehamienaŭ Mižhałaktyčnaha S    

4. Akružany Parallieĺnymi Cykłami Biaźmiežnaści Śmierci Baâl Wadalieja Nakiroŭwaje Wypaliennyja Wačnicy Kosmakarkasaŭ Pachawaĺnych Piramid Pa Toj Bok Miež Twaręńnia Asliapliajučych Promńiaŭ Mietatrona...    

5. Somnambuličnyja Tulliańni Karawanaŭ Ziłlijonnamiesiacowych Rozumazrokaŭ Žracoŭ Ïrminizmu, Jakija Pakidajuć Pojas Kojpiera, Skroź Hnozis Ękzistęncyjanaĺnaha Immažynaryuma Katakombaŭ Ra-Hoor-Khuit CVII    

6. Apałohija Samaźniščęńnia Ŭ Daktrynie Wyzwalieńnia Philippa Mainländęra, Jak Dumka Jakaja Biaskonca Pahłybliajecca Ad Z'jawy Da Sutnaści, Jość Adzina Dakładnaje Mierkawańnie Ab Wyšęjšaj Marali Indywidu    

7. Rytuał Pryzyŭnoha Zaklionu Ŭsioabdymnaj Ęnierhii Ciemry, U Hipastyĺnaj Zalie Matęryjalizacyi Ŭwasablieńniaŭ Kokabaęła, Zaklikany Zubožyć Ahafałahičnyja Abliččy Idałaŭ Anhârąka, Zwajawaŭšych Wypramieńw    

8. Paświačęńnie Adęptam Salipsizmu Uwažliwym Da Pastuliawańnia Von Hartmana Ab Nieswiadomym U Z'jawach Cialiesnaha J Duchoŭnaha Žyćcia, Što Skažajuć Azimutaĺny Kut Palinhienęzii Ad Zawieršanaha Ŭwasablie


Not even sure if that's all, or if some of them are cut off.


Yeaaaaah... well. Jesus.

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^ I had to google that band.. I was wondering if their name actually means something in their native language (they are from Belarus). Couldn't find anything on that.


Here's a translation of their album title. Dunno why there are spelling errors. This was posted on metalinjection.net

"Projecting the singular emission ov the Doctrine ov Absolute and All-Absorbing Evil through the hexahedral prism ov Sîn-Ahhī-Erība upon the hypersurface ov zodiacal arc ov the cosmotechnical order ov paleocontact founders the utterly ancient hypostases ov pre-axes civilizations actuate the resonance transformer ov temporally similar to the eternity ov the future in the towers ov Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon’s obcervatory embodying the ashes ov Alulim into the ethereal matter to the west ov exoplanet PSRB 1620-26b"



The article also mentioned a few other dumb metal band names.

"We've all seen some long, silly and pointless band names in our time as metal fans. There's Mexico's Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis, Germany's We Butter The Bread With Butter, Japan's Flagitious Idiosyncrasy In The Dilapidation, etc."

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