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Yeah, I like looking at them... but in the real life men are often creepy and their behavior grosses me out... but if a girl is flirty (but not in a gross way), my reaction is different. I've never been romantically interested in a man, either. I don't know why is it like that, these things are confusing. I've never been abused by any man, so there's no reason for that.

Is there a term for liking "flamboyant" or colorful guys/men?? I'm unsure, maybe VK had an impact perhaps?? but if you're not into men in general but women and men who "pretty" I just need to find the right term....

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I really don't know, but I also liked only pretty boys when I didn't know visual kei existed, so they just fit my taste, I guess. Sometimes I feel bad about this, though, because it's not socially acceptable, even around people here.

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hizaki looks too much like man... i only want feminine jrocker... i want to cuddle with him and he wears makeup^^ even in bed... he must shave all the time to be free from hairs all over his body, i can do it for him^^

chekis are good because very easy to remove stains when you get some on it when you use sex toys :lolita_love:

so i keep many chekis^^ if you want trade chekis i want sato cheki

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Wow, just...wow. You all must be so proud of yourselves for these posts. Bullying is so cool, right? The person you're all talking shit about has stated multiple times that they already feel bad enough about the way they feel about these sorts of things and here you guys are. What if they read this? What if they feel even worse because of this, will you feel proud if you managed to make someone feel bad about themselves, someone who didn't in any form or manner hurt you? Someone who did not deserve this?


Any form of bullying will not be tolerated on this forum. Anyone who continues will receive the appropriate punishment. Stay on topic from now on.

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I really do miss the closeness and emotional security of being in a relationship, knowing that you're not left facing everything alone. My last relationship was over two years ago, last a turbulent 4 weeks, and ended on "I'm sorry, but you made me realize I just like dick too much."

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You know.... Life sucks.


I was unemployed and looking for work at the time while in my mid teens but wasnt having much luck. Some how I managed to get into a relationship with a girl who lived 2-3hrs away from me. The relationship lasted a while, but it was difficult as i never had much money due to unemployment. I cant remember how long we were together but it was probably close to about a year. Back then the economy was having a heart attack and many businesses were cutting staff rather than hiring them and i had a hard time finding work. Money was always an issue but i never once asked her for a single penny.



Anyway - after while she decided to end it based on the fact that yes it was a long distance relationship and that she couldnt stand not being with me physically. I was against it, but i decided it was also for the best as i was always skint and the state benefits here in the UK as far as for Job Hunters goes is paltry compared to the likes of other countries.


I've always hated myself from that point on. I enjoyed chatting to her on the phone, online and over skype and we really seemed to click, I hated what happened and i hated myself even more for being so skint.... Took me a while to get over it but I did eventually, though the mental scars in my head are real.


I swore to myself that I would never put myself in a position where i would be penniless and in a relationship again let along be penniless and in a long distance relationship.


Eventually managed to find myself a job, Shit money & long hours but sometimes in life we've just got to go along with it however shitty and grueling it turns out. The most important thing was i wasnt penniless..... 



So I eventually ended up falling for a girl online and she also live 2 or 3 hours away but that wasnt a problem as i had  money this time (however little of it, it may seem) and we chatted for years before eventually deciding to make it a thing and started seeing each other properly.


She didnt have a job at the time cuz she was still in 6th form/college but that was OK. I didnt mind being the one buying tickets (which were so damn extortionate at the time) to go see her for the day. She became everything in my life for four long years and for once i was so contented with life. I had a job even though it wasnt a very good one, and i had myself a woman ;3 


SADLY things started falling apart for her at home. Her dad turned out to be an alcoholic, and her mum turned out to be a gambler that owed so called people who were supposed to be her 'friends' money. They constantly argued and she even pushed him down the stairs in an effort to kill him. I met her parents and spoke to them a few times. Her dad seemed an OK guy, I knew he liked to have a drink but he certainly didnt look like an alcoholic to me anyway...


Things got worse at home and mum tried to stab dad with a knife. blah blah blah and they eventually got divorced. Around this time I tried to be around my gf as much as possible spending at least every other weekend with her as i worked shift monday to friday. 


She was so very emotionally unstable and i tried my best to be there as much as i could for her. I even went as far as trying to be a mediator for her parents which i know i shouldnt have done.... Nothing bad came of it though but then again nothing good came out of it either and it was just like a mexican standoff Neither of her parents wanted to put their guns down and come back to the table and talk things over. 


I tried my best to convince them that arguing this way wasnt good for either of them and worst of all it splits their family in two. 


Nothing i could say or do made a difference and slowly my gf started being extremely withdrawn which lead to our eventual break up. She wouldnt see me anymore, she wouldnt talk to anymore and she told me she just didnt feel ready for a relationship after what was going on with her parents. 


To me - thats all the more reason why i should still be around. I told her if she wanted to break it off then that was fine, but I was there if she ever needed me. Eventually it got to a point where she stopped talking to me entirely and none of my calls or messages would get a response.


To me, she was my soulmate (if there is such a thing) and I never told her until just before the trouble started happening at home and watched it slowly destroy her emotionally.  I wanted to get engaged. I wanted to move us both to a place where we would be happy in each others company. Id get a transfer from london up to her town and we'd live together.


She stopped talking to me, but i always said id wait for her, and i waited for two years and went into a endless cycle of depression and self hatred. I quit my job, became an unemployed bum and social recluse, all the while still cursing at myself for not trying harder, Not doing enough. Not being there with her enough as much as i wanted to. I had money but it had done me no good. All the mental wounds of the past relationship just opened up again. I was so utterly defeated and i wanted to throw myself off a bridge or the edge of a cliff and to this day i still do occasionally when i think about it.


I was depressed for 3 years but i waited for her longer than that. I was unemployed, back living with my parents and in debt from unpaid bills from when i quit my job. 



It took a long time to get over it and drag myself out from the black hole of depression and self-deprecation, In some way ive never really gotten over it. But I had to drag myself out of depression and back to life, Its taken me so long to just mentally psych myself up and to keep myself motivated so i keep moving forward with my life but Ive done it though i still hate myself more than ever.


I havent really dated since though but then again I havent really tried or had anyone made the effort to want to get to know me properly. 


Life carries on.... I cant just sit around and mope about it anymore. Not that she would ever know or care or really know how it felt to me about losing her.



but such is life 

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Dude that sucks :( Sadly, life is just like that sometimes. For what it's worth, you did everything you could in that situation.

Most guys would just run in that situation, taking the easy way out, but you stuck by your girlfriend. You did everything you could to help her, and that's massively admirable.

I'm sure she had her reasons, but sometimes people simply don't appreciate others. The best thing to do is concentrate on yourself. Moving on will be a much easier and rewarding experience if you can do this. It might take a while but doing this will allow you to be the best person you can be which in turn will help you find the real love of your life.

Soul mates are merely a concept. You'll find your girl yet :)

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Never been in a relationship. Generally not looking for one, but I am a sucker when I'm being noticed by people that I feel attracted to. Its more in dept than that but its a bit personal.


Though I'll say this, being in a relationship would probably give much distraction.

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My best friend told me that girlfriends take a lot of stress off of a man's shoulder because they have something to look forward to when they come home, I wonder how true that is?

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kind of desperately want a boyfriend to do cute romantic shit with

kind of dont want anyone dragging me down/wasting my time

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My best friend told me that girlfriends take a lot of stress off of a man's shoulder because they have something to look forward to when they come home, I wonder how true that is?


Id say its fairly true but solely dependant that the girlfriend doesnt have a mouth that needs constant punching to make her shut the fuck up. 


I dont mind a little nagging and some bellyaching and getting shit off your chest - If you need to say something then say it but constant whining, bitching, finger poking and this and that and it gets me annoyed as all i want to do after work is have a shower, eat something, have a bit of a cuddle, maybe a bit of a shag (not always) then sleep - Not always in the same order though - I have been known to shag first before the shower then the food and cuddles then sleep. it depends on the mood.



Now people might think im an asshole, but im far from it. im generally very outspoken, up front and can be very patient when it comes to partners. being able to have a snuggle when you get home is a bit like your mommy kissing your ouchies better when you were a kid, Its emotionally lifting, especially when you've had a rough day

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Id say its fairly true but solely dependant that the girlfriend doesnt have a mouth that needs constant punching to make her shut the fuck up. 


Sorry but I don't think you're very polite. I think that there are better ways to be outspoken without being offensive. You just sound immature.

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Sorry but I don't think you're very polite. I think that there are better ways to be outspoken without being offensive. You just sound immature.


Are you offended?

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