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The Piass

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Everything posted by The Piass

  1. The Piass

  2. You can see their new look here :
  3. The Piass

    New look : https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10521231_733000293414492_7731743220614741811_n.jpg?oh=861b34af99334a92c3562925043cc31a&oe=54D0FBBF&__gda__=1419618870_5f1946882153fab2b9ea13d868fcefce
  4. oh their new look is cool !
  5. Ice full PV : http://www.jpopsuki.tv/video/UNiTE---ice-/c04b114e6c3fd826d9e6a8f992bcd9f8
  6. The Piass

    Seems interesting I'm going to follow them and I hope that they'll not disband shortly ^^
  7. The Piass

    I like it,i'm impatient to hear the full album !
  8. The Piass

    I'm more interested by ヴァリル(VARYL) but the other bands are also great !
  9. A little more of a month before starting again school '-' i have to find some things to do...

  10. The Piass

  11. The Piass

  12. The Piass

    No :c I don't want them to disband :c
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