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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. He still seems sort of limited as a vocalist but interested nonetheless.
  2. lichtlune

    Ayyy!! point me to a free library and I'll go. xD Nothing in life is free homie!
  3. lichtlune

    I never said it had anything to do with aliens numb nuts. All I said is if the American people want to see it they deserve that right. It's not their fault such important "secrets" are kept in plain sight. Yes authoritarian government. We have concentration camps now.
  4. lichtlune

    If that many people want to see what's inside why not? American people have the right to know what's inside. They have the right to know what their government is hiding from them. IMO. If anybody actually gets killed at this event that only shows what we should have all already known about our authoritarian government.
  5. lichtlune

    Vocals remind me more of the dude from Sito Magus rather than Kamijo.
  6. lichtlune

    Kisaki is a singer now? And I don't know about gay but he seems rather fond of children...
  7. RENA is actually a decent vocalist but this is just okay.
  8. I thougt this raphael MV came out in 2015 or something but apparently it was released in 2012?  


    1. lichtlune


      This CM is from 2015 

      Really confusing... I thought I was on some Mandela effect type shit... 

  9. lichtlune

    Kyo from DIR EN GREY is a manlet I could steal his lunch money.
  10. lichtlune

    I never really liked him that much and got annoyed seeing him everywhere.
  11. lichtlune

    Everything he does is so boring
  12. lichtlune

    I equally hate when people praise any cookie cutter new band that comes around like they're going to be anything special and then everyone forgets about them a year later. Sometimes I feel like people aren't being honest with themselves with trying to enjoy newer stuff. I admit I sometimes do this too. Not saying there still aren't great new bands that come around every once in a while.
  13. lichtlune

    I didn't lose mine until 24 years old and went through a bitter incel phase a few years back because of that. Probably the worst period of my life. I still feel like I missed out on a lot of experiences that I could have grown from in the past though. Not necessarily sexual experiences but just being around a lot of different types of people. I still don't really have any IRL friends or people I hangout with regularly. I feel like everyone is just kinda doing their own things and aren't open to new people in their life. Basically I just wish I could have been a more extroverted in my life at times even though I do still enjoy my time alone a lot.
  14. I feel like Kaya totally ripped off Je Te Veux on "背徳のシナリオ" Anybody else hearing it? 

    1. lichtlune


      I forgot it's a cover of another song but even the original doesn't have that part that is so obviously taken from Je Te Veux by Malice Mizer. 

    2. Egnirys cimredopyh

      Egnirys cimredopyh

      Lol you are right the intro is basically the same

    3. Biopanda


      That version was arranged by Kozi, so I guess he was just feeling lazy that day lol

  15. lichtlune

    Thank you 😃
  16. lichtlune

    Nice improved falsetto!
  17. "The scarf belonged to Japanese singer yoshiki". 🤨
  18. lichtlune

    From a recent photoshoot
  19. lichtlune

    I always thought people had a sort of racist passive objection to any type of Japanese music so I've pretty much avoided showing my music to many people anymore.
  20. lichtlune

    Just finished watching Kanon (2006). Not a perfect show by any means since it was adapted from a visual novel but still had me in tears at many points. Also the opening song is probably one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in a long time.
  21. lichtlune

    Finally a new announcement. 😍
  22. lichtlune

    Yeah I don't like the effects on World End. Shame they had to sort of ruin the song because they wanted to experiment so much.
  23. lichtlune

    D came to A-kon dallas in like 2010 or 2011 or something and I was never able to go. I'm sure if I was more assertive about having a ride there from someone I could have gone. Definitely one of the things I regret.
  24. lichtlune

    One thing I'll promise myself if I ever become single again is to never touch that stupid Tinder app ever again. Fuck that. Complete waste of my time. 😅 I'd rather be the creepy guy sending girls dm's on Tinder than ever get involved with that again. Completely destroys my self esteem.
  25. Wtf I remember them sounding terrible but this slaps? 😂
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