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madygrain last won the day on September 20 2018

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About madygrain

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    All my post are written using predictive text
  • Birthday March 1

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    Hector, XA-VAT, NIGHTMARE, Penicillin, Metronome, Cali Gari, boogieman, mucc, STEREO C.K., JAKIGAN MEISTER, LSN, GOTCHAROCKA, Jikkendai Marmot, Versailles, Megamasso, Linked Horizon, BULL FIELD

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  1. Some stuff we can expect from DAV (ex. boogieman junno new project)

    -I would bet ther're no other permament members so far (actually a solo project for him).
    -No known support members, (or real ones if there are any) probably due to not being many bands in Nagano (only Pierrot and LM.C come to mind and I think they left long ago).
    -Probably at least one support member from Nagano VK band MAD Night, since they're friends with Junno (it also seems Junno has written for them or still does). They have also played with a couple Starwave bands so they're probably the ones who made that bridge.
    -Since the DAV flyer has no venue on it, and it was sent nationwide from Starwave we can assume the 1.1.2018 date refers to OHP being launched with first live date. Late january at the earliest.
    -OHP does not have it's own URL, and instead is hosted  on Starwave's server, unlike other Starwave bands. Junno's bad reputation for pulling out of things and the cost of him being in Nagano probably don't make Starwave want to overexpend on him. Small gamble.

    1. Mamo


      -Crappy generic Pop/Rock music

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