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Everything posted by Yuuze

  1. this is terrible but that's just liek kiryo. fuck hiyori looks rancid, bet he has hepatitis
  2. Yuuze

    lol u
  3. Yuuze

    lol if you think so, k, i can't help if you need spectacles
  4. Yuuze

    r u blind besides he just caked on more meiku than usual he's still ugly as a bat's arse
  5. Yuuze

    lol silkhime remember when you said kpoop was shit and then two months later you were suddenly a fan, very invariant of you Only 12 year olds like Yohio in Sweden anyway, I guess it's why Kebinu has to make his relatives bribe the record execs in nippon so he can get some older things that are actually legal to pork
  6. Yuuze

    breeders into bijuaru = lol
  7. No, that's being eaten and unlike the former stuff it's actually hawt barf
  8. There's people who pay for "inflation" artwork Dragons. Inflated dragons swelling like buns in an oven
  9. wait what why am I mentioned Furik isn't allowed to speak my words with his herpes-rash lips and coke-laced nasal cavity, he'll make this some EDM atrocity
  10. Yuuze

    Is he your little brother?
  11. ^ http://ameblo.jp/stella---official/ Official website not really up-to-date
  12. Yuuze

    I thought no one wanted herpes, yet there's all sorts of gravity here
  14. you should be embarrassed hagan, you just can't see why because you love yourself too much
  15. Yuuze

    ^the long rich history of groupie fucking horny teenagers
  16. Yuuze

    hizaki looks too much like man... i only want feminine jrocker... i want to cuddle with him and he wears makeup^^ even in bed... he must shave all the time to be free from hairs all over his body, i can do it for him^^ chekis are good because very easy to remove stains when you get some on it when you use sex toys so i keep many chekis^^ if you want trade chekis i want sato cheki
  17. Yuuze

    only want kawaii jrocker ^^
  18. Newtype thought shibuya-kei was a subgenre of visual once
  19. Yuuze

    Don't expect a hoarding arse to upload stuff unless it's already leaked by someone else or way past its prime in desirability, Rocketeer.
  20. Yuuze

    Your Total: 10 Now what, you bastards
  21. Generally known as the Zaïre strain, with an 88% mortality overall in outbreaks (also the first to appear in 1976). Ebola is a comparatively stable virus however, and while very infectious when contact with bodily fluids do happen, it is not airborne, and unlike an influenza, does not mutate so rapidly, so is unlikely to give way to the same kind of explosive spread and a vaccine would be effective for a longer time. This whole outbreak has been very poorly handled and it has contributed to the severity. In most past outbreaks, once the spread has been contained it has quickly ended. Ebola does however have a somewhat long incubation period of upwards 21 days from infection until the first symptoms, which makes quick discovery tricky in the absence of tests.
  22. Yuuze

    The point is that "banning cp" is an act that is not done out of concern for children (it does not decrease child abuse [http://bigthink.com/against-the-new-taboo/testing-our-moral-convictions-decriminalising-child-porn-to-reduce-child-crime]) but because it is a pointless moralist and self-righteous act that stems from the reason that "bad things ought to be illegal". It needs to be pointed out that producing child porn was illegal even prior to banning the pornography (because it actually involves children being abused). Why should then animated or fictional pornography be banned? The argument in favour of the banning of real CP is typically the fact that some child was abused at some point in the process of production (in turn, the repression gives rise to dark secretive groupings of rapists who produce porn for their own familiar use, thus the rise of these serial-rapist rings). But with fictional accounts, no child was ever harmed; why should that be illegal? There is no justification, no reason, except a worthless moral outcry because one individual finds something deplorable and morally repugnant. The book I mentioned because the plot revolves around a man who has an infatuation with a 12 year old girl, and this is part of the Western literature's commonly praised Canon (I have not read it - I do not like books like this, I have no interest in Nabokov). I mention the book because it deals with sexualisation of a minor. What's there to understand? Sexualisation of minors is rife across the world. It is not unique to Japan. Animated/comic pornography results - as has already been mentioned in this thread - partially from post-war puritanical censorship laws enforced by the American occupation government on Japan, combined with the particular comic (manga) tradition - but the content therein is not unique, and sexualisation of minors is everpresent the world over in one shape or another, no matter how you would like to change that.
  23. Yuuze

    It's about sexualisation of a minor. So, perhaps this tradition of sexualising minors is not unique to Japan. Child pornography was legal in large parts of the world until the 1980's, and banning it has not exactly decreased the practical problem of child abuse - if anything there's indication of an inverse correlation that moralist legislation and repression of access to pornography increases the frequency of actual abuses.
  24. Yuuze

    Say, ever heard of this novel called Lolita? Pretty famous thing? Deals with this subject in an entirely non-Japanese context?
  25. Yuuze

    I'm sorry, but are you on drugs? 'cause nothing you said makes even half a sense otherwise.
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