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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Well, I just tried again for the millionth time today and it magically worked on all the regular websites. It's something to do with yt's algorythm or coding, I think, that took it like, 3 days to work. I just got concerned cuz I know they'll eventually remove that video this week, but thanks, anyway, @Tanishi Anyway, here are today's videos, y'all: GLAY Mother RAVE KOUKI (DAUTO/D=OUT)
  2. Kiryuin Sho also sang the theme song for Kamen Rider back in 2012. There's a decent amount of VK musicians that either provided music and/or acted in Kamen Rider shows in the recent years.
  3. Takanori Nishikawa, also known as T.M. Revolution, and Golden Bomber's Kiryuin Sho will perform a new arrangement of the anime's opening theme song "1.2.3" under the unit name 西川くんとキリショー (Nishikawa-kun to Kirisho). The new arrangement will debut with the show's 32nd episode on August 9. Another band called After the Rain performed the first version of the song. The last episode featuring their version of the song will be the 31st episode on August 2.
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