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Everything posted by zombie8mylunch

  1. zombie8mylunch

    i get to listen to this girl's kingdom hearts fan fic shit again, YAY. SHE NEEDS A GODDAMN LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THE ARMY WOULD HAVE CHANGED HER, BUT NO........ SHE'S STILL THE SAME ANNOYING PERSON....... you all think i'm bad........... ugh.......
  2. zombie8mylunch

    i am 25 years old....
  3. zombie8mylunch

    in an extreme circumstance, yes. getting coal for christmas?
  4. zombie8mylunch

    he has a good voice and the music is catchy, i'd like to hear more.....
  5. zombie8mylunch

    heh' date=' at least you're honest. hope she gets over it soon...... [/quote'] Dude, I'm a dude my mistake.... i guess i got confused by the panda bear or something...... idk.....
  6. zombie8mylunch

    it would suck, no one has a voice like kyo. i hope diru, however, moves on and creates another band. what would you do if your favorite band asked you to be their manager?
  7. zombie8mylunch

    heh, at least you're honest. hope he gets over it soon......
  8. zombie8mylunch

    it would be hard for me to accept them, i'd promise to make it up to them somehow..... what would you do if walmart when bankrupt?
  9. zombie8mylunch

    it's excited, neko-chan. otherwise, you're telling us you've left....... (i almost made the same mistake too, just trying to help)
  10. zombie8mylunch

    holy crap....... that had to be an experience. i haven't had a mind bending dream in awhile.....
  11. zombie8mylunch

    (i meant THE darkness, as in the powers.) wiki desu i would drive it! lol what do you do with a drunken sailor er-lie in tha mornin?
  12. zombie8mylunch

    i may be bitter, but love is a dangerous thing. it can destroy you..... i have been interested in finding someone new but...... it's not worth it at this point in my life, i have alot of things to improve before i get into anything. frankly, i enjoy the freedom i have and i don't feel obligated to go out of my way to please someone else. my last relationship was a burden, she was immature and moody. i was an idiot to believe in "love at first sight", it's bullshit fairytale stuff. my opinion on love is..... it's commitment, a binding contract. either your in it or not. same goes with the other person. it's not something you can force or fake, if you do then.... your kidding yourself, and it's not real. there is something you want out of the relationship and it's not emotional fulfilment.....
  13. zombie8mylunch

    poke it with a stick, then wrap it in wrapping paper and put it on my enemie's porch.... what would you do if you had the darkness from that ps3 game or the comic books?
  14. zombie8mylunch

  15. zombie8mylunch

    why were you arrested?
  16. zombie8mylunch

    um...... look odd indeed....... he's inflating a balloon
  17. zombie8mylunch

  18. zombie8mylunch

    wow...... that sounds cool, although the rush must be frustrating!
  19. zombie8mylunch

    where do you work?
  20. zombie8mylunch

    diru, lots of diru..... i don't understand why people bad mouth them, kyo has a voice unlike any other. they are very therapudic for what ails you....
  21. zombie8mylunch

    i'm trying to clear my head, i've got alot of cleaning to do and things to resolve within myself. it is not easy, and maybe not heathly. but i trust my will to over come this, and i will.
  22. zombie8mylunch

    heh how many of you hear what's wrong about you from your family? doesn't it make you feel like shit? i'm tired of hearing it from everyone.... i'm not like everyone else, i handle things differently. i'm not your common joe blow from next door that conforms to society's picture perfect bullshit. i am who i am, and if no one can accept that...... then who i am is all i need..... i'd rather live a life of peace and solitude, than one of chaos and drama.
  23. zombie8mylunch

    a mule huh? i'm sorry... lol
  24. zombie8mylunch

    want me to scare him off?
  25. zombie8mylunch

    i was a stocker...... but that's different methinks.
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