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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Zeus

    One of the businessmen who run the big labels like YOSHIKI or Dynamite Tommy probably has the most wealth within visual kei.
  2. Zeus

    Is that an unpopular opinion or inevitable outcome? Some friends and I joked between the release of IW and Endgame that all the B-list heroes are out to play because the A-list heroes got Thanos'd...but there's a bit of truth to it surely? Short of adapting all the comic books arcs for every hero into their own separate movies (and even this I would argue works better in an HBO-style format) how many soft and hard reboots can you do? How many hero movies is too many? And how does one even top Endgame, the movie that's gonna be used as the yard stick for measuring all hero movies going forward? I think we are closer to this pop than it appears.
  3. This post has been locked for violating the following rule: Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  4. Zeus

    It's also how I know who to keep around. Shouldn't be too mad at people making a fool of themselves, but I should be concerned that the behavior doesn't become normalized.
  5. Zeus

    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  6. They are absolutely horrifying and undescribable which is why I draw pictures. And I am no artist.
  7. I'm amazed how you guys can verbalize your dreams. My therapist advised me to keep a dream journal and most of the time all I can draw are images because I can't describe what I see.
  8. Zeus

    I'm going through my Facebook nuking any trace of my thoughts because I'm not in the business of digital archaeologists of the future digging through my records because they have a bone to pick with me, and I'm surprised by how much the ancient contents of my news feed are a graveyard of dead links. Some of the links don't even indicate what the content originally was, and there are some links that look live and lead nowhere. It is interesting how we take for granted that things stay around on the internet, but clearly only certain things stay around. It will be troubling in the future to go back and find news articles about events that are happening today if companies can purge articles from their website once they figure they aren't making enough money off of it.
  9. Zeus

    I'm here for this and so are all of you.
  10. Zeus

    You may be busy, but your mind can wander. At least mine has the propensity to. I thought I was busy until life kicked me in the gonads so hard I didn't have time to worry or think. I just had time to do. I was in survival mode then. Before I knew it, I went two years without thinking about relationships in the most neutral zen state of mind ever and because of that I stumbled into my current relationship. By that point, I didn't even want it. It was hell, but it was also tranquil. I don't suggest you put yourself through hell to suppress your feelings, but just beware of where your mind wanders when it goes off. It can come back with thoughts and feelings you don't need and aren't prepared for.
  11. what's new with KEEL?

    1. Jigsaw9


      I guess they're on the backburner now. Ryo is busy playing gigs with DALLE and aie is his usual super-busy self juggling gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy and the god and death stars at the same time (and ofc there's the deadman reunion too).

  12. Zeus

    Social awareness is fucking bullshit designed by armchair activists who want to feel good by doing nothing. It started with the manipulative posts asking for likes in the name of Jesus, exploiting the homeless they seek to help to fuel their ego boners, and now it's devolved into virtual shit slinging at different corners of the internet with a zero tolerance policy on disagreement. For example, half the people championing for mental health awareness don't even know how to spot depression lurking in their friend group. No one needs to be "aware" of breast cancer because we already know it exists; what we need to do is kick its ass. Facebook statuses about environmental awareness on Earth Day doesn't clean up the plastic bottles you walk past on your way to and from work every day. Social awareness is a cheap and lazy way to decorate yourself with feelgood medals while doing fuck all to change anything. Representation has strong armed its way into every corner of society, and it's supposed to be such a good thing to see yourself reflected in entertainment, but I don't think it's a good thing. Considering what trash ends up in the media today, not being in the media is a good thing. "Everyone's story has to be told" but history is full of the stories of the forgotten, and most of them are not worth telling. Odds are, your story isn't worth telling either. Certain members of our society have an exaggerated sense of self-worth wrapped in a cloak of self-doubt and depression, and they've pushed the barometer of conceit so far out to the left it's redefined what it means to be a self-absorbed narcissistic prick. With the advent of social media and the acceptance that everything will be recorded for future use, people are downright obsessed with claiming their little speck in history, at whatever cost possible. Representation is cherry-picked points of view to weaponize social agendas through various mediums, because the fastest way to earn your paragraph in a history book is to engage in thought revolution, and everyone thinks they're a blessed prophet sent from God with words that make angels cum when they sermon. Social media was a mistake. It has convinced me reading minds is the worst super power one could wish for, especially if you can't turn it off. There are things I'm seeing on a daily basis that would horrify me if I were standing in line scanning someone's thoughts and came across them. The dumb shit people think is acceptable, the horrifying things people daydream about doing to others, the lies people internalize while they lie to your face, all of that would come crashing down if I could read your thoughts, and her thoughts, and his thoughts, and they would all smash together in my mind until I'm not sure what is real anymore. The description sounds like the wonderful back story for a villain in a novel somewhere if you needed a legit reason to explain acquired insanity. The worst part about social media is that it's an addiction that has wormed it's way into culture right next to high fructose corn syrup and caffeine. Everyone has a self-serving agenda.
  13. Zeus

    that's your mind telling you that you aren't busy enough. be careful not to idolize the person or your crush will crush you when you find out that who they are isn't who you thought they'd be.
  14. all this over a bag of illegal nature japan crank one out and light up it's not that serious
  15. Is this some sort of power move to strike back at Twitch?
  16. Zeus

    you know what i'm so pissed about this announcement that i am not going to give him the benefit of exposure. this topic will sink in stygian like his career
  17. Zeus

    you can donate 10 million yen to the cause without having to toot your horn about it. he had an announcement for the announcement that he's going to be such a good person. what a fucking nut. the effect would be the same whether or not anyone knows about it and altruistic donation does not require public knowledge. this is 100% a publicity stunt and fuck you YOSHIKI for appropriating this tragedy to promote yourself.
  18. Reminds me of THE FINAL in spirit, where it's an ominous title but it doesn't mean anything bad. I hope.
  19. Zeus

    Probably wouldn't surprise me tbh.
  20. Zeus

    fuck off yoshiki drop the album or retire
  21. Thanks to everyone who has been sending me well wishes in my PMs or has otherwise been worried about me. It's hard to find the words respond right now but I do appreciate it <3

    1. Kyo_Toriko


      I knew my words are a bit late!
      But I still want to leave something to encourage you, mate!
      Sometimes we all will be tired or feel unhappy from the life we live in.
      And also, so many realities that we still cannot change at all.

      But remember to give yourself some "time" for "self-regulation",
      and combine the help from outside,
      you can definitely find back your lost happiness.
      Keep fighting, mate!

  22. Zeus

    I am going to see the person who prescribed it to me this week. I can't tell if the medication is working. Some people say I seem much happier, others say I seem way more depressed. I'm not angry or suicidal anymore but I'm also not happy. I wonder if that's just how my brain is. I supposedly have a low stress programming job but I think it's anything but. Dozens of demands, too much work being done for free, unequal distribution of said work, and shit pay. I'm supposed to be giving back to science but the people who want this data don't know what to do with it. Even when they do, the programmer who put the data set together is usually the last person to get credit for their contributions. Being invisible has its downsides.
  23. Zeus

    I'm talking about my mental issues and you're talking about paragraphs like I give a fuck. That's the same kind of dismissive shit I deal with every day. " " Here are some more spaces for you don't spend them all in one place.
  24. Zeus

    Holy shit! Well color me surprised! Did you know that I don't care?
  25. Zeus

    My mood has been cratering for the last two weeks and it's getting to the point where people around me can tell. I've untangled some of the reasons why I've been unhappy and it has to do with a lot of the well-meaning things people advise me to do that I take the wrong way. They always come off as suggestions for what to do but how are you suggesting solutions to the problem I haven't explained yet? I'm mentally exhausted when I come home and I do not want to do more programming, fix computers on the side, sell weed, take even more classes after I've finished grad school, earn a license, or start my own business. Those aren't answers; those are distractions. I don't have faith in the capitalist system, so I don't want to look for a "new job". It'll be the same bullshit as the old job in a different sector for as long as programmers are underappreciated and treated as simple code to caffeine converters. I don't like working to line someone else's pockets, and the assertion that one must work for a living is troubling, and also at odds with the depths of laziness some coworkers descend to daily. You can't tell me work harder to find purpose and be happy when business analysts are laughing their asses off on their third Starbucks break of the day. I just gave a 40 minute presentation I didn't feel like giving and certain team members fell asleep, and I got so dejected the secretary at the front sent an e-mail to my manager and her boss because I couldn't find it within me to bother. In fact, I find the assertion that one must better themselves to find happiness at all is full of troubling assumptions about my values. I work hard and I'm not happy, working harder makes me unhappier, and when I come home I'm a zombie and I don't want to do anything. I haven't listened to new music outside of the mix tapes I've been given. Haven't played any new games since I bought em. My Switch is docked up to my TV and remains untouched. Don't even want to watch YouTube videos and that requires me to only pay attention. I'm kinda just walking through life trying to make it to the next day waiting for it to end. Depression is a bitch. If you are wondering why I've been quiet these last few weeks and not writing or doing much of anything, that's why.
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