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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    I am very happy about this! I have been watching the USDJPY since last December when it hit about ¥80 and everyone started predicting Yen weakness. I remember last June when a full-length album from CDJapan would cost anywhere between $50~80. I know at one point last year (or 2011), it reached about ¥74.90 or something.
  2. Warning! Good luck.

  3. Seimeisen

    It's perfect! Like a combination of SEVEN and their self-titled album.
  4. Wow! A formal release of 失翼の聖域!! I already have the CD, but I'm glad the other fans will have easier access to the song. Also, beautiful artwork for SIRIUS and Lily.

    1. Seimeisen


      It's ridiculously expensive, but still a good deal that saves me $200+.

    2. Danao


      Well not that expensive to be honest, they put everything in it, including live distribs, if you buy those live distribs on auction, it could be 6000yen for only one xD so it's really a good deal, even tho everything has already been upped on the net

    3. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      I hope you don't live in North Dakota since if your wallet became pregnant it'd be impossible for it to have an abortion. Otherwise I'll say you're a perv since in the end you like watching your wallet become raped. :'D

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  6. Seimeisen

    SHADOWPLAY sounds a lot better than Daybreak. I only heard the preview of 秘密, but I like Scarlet's preview much better.
  7. Seimeisen

    On CDJapan, it's ¥9,000 (before shipping). Brand-X is your cheapest option to get it. http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7714 If you don't know any Japanese, check this page first: http://www.brand-x.jp/page/44
  8. Seimeisen

    I just pre-ordered this from Brand-X. EMS shipping (for this release alone) is ¥2,000!
  9. Seimeisen

  10. Seimeisen

    So far, pre-orders are only available on ZEALLINK and Brand-X. I think distribution for this release will be limited.
  11. Seimeisen

    ¥6,300, limited 1,000 copies. It's possible that this release will sell out very soon.
  12. Seimeisen

    Not very surprising, but quite disappointing. Rest in piece, OZ!
  13. Seimeisen

    WOW! I was right about the track list! Hope to get my hands on this when it comes out.
  14. That would be pretty awesome! I absolutely love the symphonic version of AMON; don't really care at all for the original version.
  15. Either live tracks or remixes. Neither of which I would want.
  16. Now that the strange funeral "weekend" is over, it's time for me to get my shit together.

  17. Seimeisen

    オトギ...... Marilyn Manson... WTFWHY!?
  18. Seimeisen

    Oh...... well... that's still a good song, not as awkwardly placed as LOVER is, being sandwiched between Ogress and MMFP.
  19. Seimeisen

    Intro tracks in shuffle FTW! Also, KATATONIA! One of my personal favourites. 01: Architects - One Of These Days 02: Sadie - METEOR 03: 9GOATS BLACK OUT - raw 04: Atreyu - Deanne the arsonist 05: Aureole - Tales 06: DIR EN GREY - GLASS SKIN 07: BORN - -tHinK- 08: Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror 09: SCREW - RUIN AND DREAD 10: lynch. - vernie Yes, I know, not much variety. I have close-minded tastes. Also, I listen to my music on a 32GB iPhone, so I can only synch about 30% of my music. I would have used my complete iTunes library to do this, if it weren't for the technical difficulties surrounding it.
  20. Seimeisen

    Mixed feelings about the track-list! Glad it's got MMFP, 深海魚, 株吐羅, and I don't recall SKIN, so it's either a new song, or a secret live distributed one. But come on! No 夜にある希望、朝に来る絶望? Seriously? And I can't imagine the track-list would flow very well. And labia? SERIOUSLY? That's more worthy than any other song that's not on the disc? Still, I hope it pops up on iTunes at some point.
  21. Seimeisen

    NEGATIVISM -TRACE- is the band's last compilation/formal release until they disband. It's out on Wednesday (or Tuesday, depending on your time zone). http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=UCCD-333B http://under-code.shop-pro.jp/?pid=52746442 http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7454
  22. Seimeisen

    Thought it'd be worth noting that their website ne-ga.com has been dead for some time. Also, am I the only one who finds it strange that NEGATIVISM -TRACE- is out in a few days and there's still no track list?
  23. Seimeisen

    It is fast to release the album a year right after DIVISION, but I'm glad they're not releasing six singles before it! My only complaint with DIVISION is that the songs were too short, so I would hope for longer ones this time.
  24. Seimeisen

    The b-side from 波瀾万丈、椿唄? This will be...... interesting. But they had to make a single out of THIS song? The music video will probably show a number of teenagers cutting themselves.
  25. 波瀾万丈だぁー!!!

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