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Gesu last won the day on July 29 2019

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About Gesu

  • Rank
    Ohana's Glove Poncho
  • Birthday 09/03/2000

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  • Location
    Hitori Land
  • Interests
    Visual kei, ass, visual kei ass

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  1. I'm honestly so happy right now. This place opened in my city a few months back and it's basically just dedicated to allowing people to break shit. You book an appointment with them and they let you into a room filled with furniture, TVs, etc and you just go apeshite on it with a soundtrack of your choice in the background. I told someone about all the resentment I've been feeling lately and he told me I might find it cathartic, so I emailed them and provided they're available, I should be there on Wednesday. Might be a nice opportunity to meet some other bitter people like me. Oh, and they recycle all the smithereens! I'll let you all know how it goes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. reminiscing2004


      amazing lmao


    3. plastic_rainbow


      came across such places when i needed to break things but unfortunately there aren't any where i live..... :(  i was tempted to just buy my own things to break but didn't want to clean up the mess so i refrained myself lmao

    4. platy


      That's sounds great, I hope I can find some near where I live

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