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About hatred000

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday March 2

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  • Interests
    shitposting,judjing you

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  1. How i delete a topic?

    1. CAT5


      Message a staff member. Anyone with a red, blue, or green username.

  2. hatred000

    My personal opinion: it ' s not uroboros End.
  3. hatred000

    I am crazy https://discord.gg/t9cQSM by the way, this is my new discord to shitpost, there is also normal talk and shit.
  4. Of course, ice give you super powers. dude, i don't want to know about this shit. i dont believe i a single word those bitches say. point blank.
  5. hatred000

    Resuming this thread: Miyiabi always cheats on die, she even writed on twitter how to cheat her husband and also people say their daughter was in vitro and they are not really into each other. Gene is a clown, spend trillions of euros in motoharus addorns, apparently he only fucked Die'd wife to gain a sense of "now i got this ugly bitch" i am die." He usually forces himself in Die's reunions, cant tune a guitar even if he life depends on it. Also he original songs sucks.
  6. hatred000

    I dont understand how this topic went from gene wrong to Die being a cuck, kyo being a school girl abuser, to bad art, and me shit talking my old disaffections.
  7. hatred000

    Sorry honey, he did not keep his chastity for you
  8. Kyo said i am dumber than a pigeon.

  9. hatred000

    Also she says she has DiD. you can see the difference in the draws since one is immensely supperior to other.
  10. hatred000

    She is the cringiest creature alive with all those alternative universes. also she cant do proportions.how can someone mistake the proportions even after she traces. All her characters look the fucking same. She should stay with analog art cuz her digital is shit.
  11. hatred000

    Skill? dude, you are blind the only reason i wont go to art school is for fear i will end up like her with zero improvement.
  12. hatred000

    The only thing she is good is cuz she is persistent. She has no talent, she study years in a fucking art school and this is all she can do.also all her ocs are the same.
  13. hatred000

    By the way, this the "very talented mind" behind who is making all these dir en grey/gazette porn http://ryuzatodraws.tumblr.com
  14. hatred000

    I was stating my opinion dude. I said i higly doubt kyo could "fight randos at izakaya" you dont even read the fucking interviews. I saw everybody socializicing in yoshiki party while kyo was eating...alone
  15. Since fuck yeah bangya ended i miss a place to talk shit about my quarrels. So i was thinking about thread to shittalk people who annoy us. Obvious it would be better if we don't talk about names but probably it will be obvious. anyway , if it is againgst this forum rules we can make a discord or something.
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