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About rainonyourparade

  • Rank
    Maria's Cross

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  • Location
    In A Galaxy Not That Far Away

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  1. I liked him in XodiacK, he was so-so with bfn. Still not sure what to expect, cautiously curious.
  2. rainonyourparade

    Hi and thanks. Yeah, the newer bands I've checked out I really didn't like, so I'm open to suggestions.
  3. rainonyourparade

    Thanks 😃 You're right about newer bands dying off quick...until they come back (+/- a member or two) and start all over again lol. The circle of (vk) life.
  4. rainonyourparade

    Greetings, or rather hi again. I was part of this community about 5-6 years ago. I was somewhat active until I just kind of disappeared and forgot about it. Anyway I still follow a few vk bands like Merry, cali≠gari, Plastic Tree, Liphlich, Kaya, and Xaa-Xaa. I try to follow auctions and webshops to find new artists, though I can honestly say it's harder to get into the newer bands. Asides from that, I'm a university student that's a fan of indie and metal in general. Lately been into the French metal group Eths. I'm also hoping to graduate with a degree in conservation biology soon. So that's about it. I look forward to participating and becoming part of the community again👍 Disclaimer: I'm on mobile so sorry for any typos or mistakes.
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