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Everything posted by Axius

  1. What ever happened to the Ex drummer of born TOMO??

  2. I have a new found love for REVIVE 

    1. Mihenno


      They're so great ❤️ 

  3. Axius

    Otogi from Awoi.
  4. Axius

    O_O A lustknot fan. I loves them a bunch. Aside from that here is my list: - Awoi - Archemi. - Mejibray - Born - Lustknot 5 isnt enough lol but i did my best.
  5. Axius

    I was wondering when he would come back 👌 I love the deep addition to his voice.
  6. W0W thats surprising. My condolences to Ryo and the fans.
  7. That name. Interesting. I wonder what this will be.
  8. Axius

    In my gaming chair browsing with my speaker blasting 🎵
  9. 10$ per song sounds too steep. Those better be like groundbreaking songs for that price lol.
  10. Axius

    I wouldn't mind helping out as well.
  11. Axius

    Creepy. I like it 😅 Im so weird
  12. Axius

    Vocalist can show more improvement overtime. Overall not a bad start.
  13. Axius

  14. Axius

  15. Axius

    The brief pauses in dying god could have been replace with bass slaps it would have made it so much better then a electronic key note.
  16. This is the cleanest look i seen in a while ❤️
  17. Does anyone know who the new guitarists are that replaced Lin (ex-NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST) ?

    1. patientZERO


      They still haven't announced who they are yet.

    2. Axius


      Wow thats surprising. Hmm i guess they are keeping it on the down low for now. 

    3. patientZERO


      When they released the first of their digital singles, they did say they'd announce the new guitarist's soon ... and then never did.

  18. Axius

    Def not worth 12 usd each song. Hopefully they show up in a compilation album somewhere.
  19. OMG im so stoked for this release. Cant wait to get my hands on it. I hope they post the full MV.
  20. Confused on the kanji for these two names now? Do they mean the same thing? こーいち 恋一
  21. Axius

    This is true but that goes for most of what is in the suggestion topic.
  22. Axius

    I honestly can attest to this. I usually waste time scrolling through some dead posts. Sometimes i end up re-uploading within the same thread anyway but This can be useful to clear out space and prevent double posts. Some posts get dead for so long but end up being a real good upload. I also notice that some links get posted in the request section itself.
  23. Axius

    Weird couldn't get into this band all that much. I feel like the vocalist can do better. He has a unique voice for it.
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