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Everything posted by Axius

  1. Axius

    BYE ☺️
  2. Axius

    Im actually excited for this. Didnt know they got back together?? A weird track ive tried to follow for this band.
  3. Axius

    OMG OMG hes back YES YES
  4. Im interested hmmmm



  5. OMG who is this drummer wut. 


  6. Axius

    Whats with this dudes voice what a weird way to sing lol. Interestingggggg......
  7. Im so confused my ears why >.<
  8. Axius

    Again lol not surprised They have a good like look and good ideas its just they dont know how to execute them properly. I feel like if they were a Archemi. clone id like them more because honestly that style would fit them a bit better.
  9. Axius

    Well at least it isnt a disband. I say that now lol >.< hope they dont tho.
  10. Axius

    DAT BASS hits different
  11. OMG yes voting the songs for the album. YAY! I personally want to make this a B side album as much as i can there are a bunch of song already re-master or just over played already some other hits deserve a spotlight so I decided to make list. Here is my list of what im voting for: Note: They put their first 3 singles on there last re-rec album so i just chose the one i liked better. Other side note: Idk why the 墓穴 single is so good lol 1. Fiction 2. イノセンス 3. ナミダノアト 4. Droplet 5. リビドー <-- PLEASE 🎵 this song is beautiful) 6. missing <-- this too 7. imp 8. エンヴィー 9. 人形-ヒトガタ- 10. 「私」と"理解" 11. link 12. ハッピーセット 13. 境界線 14. AN REC ODD 15. gossip 16. 価値観の違いは唯一の救い 17. 僻目 18. 未完成 19. Antidote 20. 好奇心、僕を生かす 21. 着衣遊泳 22. 息の根 (I wish i could put Alive -Acoustic Ver.- <--- Its honestly pretty good.) 23. [will] 24. mymy 25. 君とのあいだに 26. 刻ヲ紡グ唄 DVD vote: (This is a toss up for me) 暁 <--(Why do i feel like there is a video for this when i listen to this song but i know there isnt) Apoptosis (Original ver.) < -- Because why not its so good lol Honestly this list was hard to make for me but had fun with it. The list wouldn't be in this order tho but its a rough idea. I wish other bands would do the same thing like voting for songs that would be so cool.
  12. Axius

    For me this really depends on the band. For example, Vivid and royz didn't need re-recs of anything. The re-recs actually sounded worse in my opinion. For bands like Awoi, sadie, mejibray (In some cases), Diaura (in some cases) needed re-recordings for songs. Some people might argue against this and be like no the original is the best then you have special cases where like for example: The Original ver. of Mejibray - killing me sound worse the the remaster. But then you have songs where its the complete opposite. I loved grimiore's re-recordings of there mini i feel as tho those brought me to like the band more. Some bands do that then i end up liking it better or maybe a different vocalist does the same songs a bit different. These things tend to happen and highly depends on the line up for me. I like it when bands make a 2nd or 3rd press of a release. It shows more how the band progressed and shows those songs that you might have liked from a single to shine more as opposed to an album.
  13. Axius

    OMG is this the man who made this? If it is we are in for a treat
  14. Axius

    Honestly for this band i wish they dropped there power metal vibe on some songs. Then again thats just me nit picking this release isnt bad. Ignite i feel like its a song meant to be played live for some reason i get that vibe from that.
  15. Axius

    This honestly has potential not going to lie.
  16. Am i the only one hoping Revive goes full Egyptian with an album release?

  17. Axius

    Idk what it is about his voice it has a nice ring to it lol
  18. Axius

    Idk why i like the 1st and 2nd lyric video They seem more interesting over the last two. The 3rd and 4th videos styles have been over done already.
  19. well shit that really sucks. They really have been around for a while. They really have some memorable songs. I wonder what the tracklist will be like.
  20. XD lol wow. I honestly liked this band i hope they keep a similar style.
  21. Collage finals suck. Plus trying to save money. I'll be making one last post for this year. I honestly cant wait until 2020 ends.  Good ridence to this year....

    1. platy


      no guarantee 2021 will be better :- ) 


      but i sure hope so.

    2. Mamo


      "College" I'd definitely study up.

  22. Axius

    I felt there was something lacking in the band. I feel as tho it seemed like the theme and idea was spot on but the execution lagged behind. Some good tunes. Hopefully the vocalist sticks around and makes another band.
  23. Axius

    Im currently looking for rare stuff here is my list if anyone is willing to sell them Ribelio - Aggression ビス (bis ) - マジカル スーサイド スターダスト ランド (magical suicide stardust land) Ari - 蟻地獄 ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser) - PSYCHO 7191... - DEGENERATE FAMILY Lezard - Shakunetsu puraido (灼熱プライド) 暴食楽団~MEGA盛XX~ - YACCHAINA! 暴食楽団~MEGA盛XX~ - Shokuyoku Sokushin MANIFEST-MEGA MORIXX- - (食欲促進マニフェスト-メガモリクス-) NOCTSCURE - Avzolute ラミヤ - Pandora AXIA - DIMENSION (2014.06.04) PIGLOW in GLOOMY - むかで Signal - Crossing fate NUL. - DEMO CD 1 Awoi - Inyashi kei (Music box cd) リブラヴェル - Tear Drop-涙の雫- MASKED RIDER SYSTEM - aimless [the final shape Lucifer - 「REBELLION」 Lucifer - 「蝕独」 MERALOA - Sairen MERALOA - SPICA Revive - 輪廻転生 Revive - The final prologue -OZ- Decay -OZ- Scene in the misreal MOB 【HUMAN DEBRIS】 Non rarez: Lustknot - angelus Mejibray cds any Born cds anything before 2013 Axkey - Crescend×ALBUM
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