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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    update: twas fuckin awesome. tiny local metal concerts are my favourite thing (aside from some very obnoxious probably drunk moshers running around all over the place)
  2. itsukoii

    going to my first concert ever tonight hooo boy it's just a small local concert and i'm excited but nervous because i have no idea what to expect lmao
  3. my GOD that was as good as always! and what a look mmmmmmm although here i go with the "no clean vocals pls"... deviloof don't need them. keisuke already sounds so unique in comparison to the usual run-of-the-mill deathcore vocalist and his screaming capabilities are INSANELY impressive with all those ranges and weird sounds n shit he can do, but as a singer he isn't very good? although i guess i appreciate how he's still keeping his voice sorta harsh and slurred and weird rather than totally clean mainstream vk, and doing his own thing. one more thing is that idk, are they doing it to lump themselves in with visual kei more? because vk songs that consist of only growls/screams and 0 clean vocals (not counting deviloof's songs) are heckin rare and don't really exist anymore... the no clean vocals are really what made deviloof stand out to me when i first found them. sorry for the useless rant looool
  4. itsukoii

    Name: itsu? idk Age: practically still a fetus Years studied: i wanna say two? all on my own, because there are no japanese classes offered where i live Estimated level: beginner Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: i can recognize/read all of them, but writing them still gives me trouble Kanji: um... like the basic 100-200 What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: man i just wanna be able to understand what i hear as well as understand what i read. but of course i wanna be able to speak it decently too What materials have you used before?: Human Japanese is my primary source for learning, and Duolingo and HelloTalk to practice sometimes. also Kanji Study on android
  5. itsukoii

    i'm so late to the party but inside beast by the gzt is fucking killer. i've had it on repeat for the past little while and i don't think i've EVER had a vk song on back-to-back repeat before looool
  6. itsukoii

    0:32 "would you eat my ass?"
  7. im tired of these soft ballads and half heavy half soft songs i just want yoshiatsu to scream until his throat is raw ii kusuri's first half sounds AMAZING and the second is... not. kinda like how 融け込めないざらざらな芸術を君が殺してくれないか was (if i'm not mistaken. i kinda remember it being half/half but i haven't heard it in a while lol)
  8. itsukoii

    probably embarrassed lol. although i always thought the ratio of female fans to male fans was very unbalanced anyways, especially in japan but i guess this is why male-only lives were created?
  9. it might be too early to ask bc i updated itunes literally 5 minutes ago but is anyone else not able to scrobble to last.fm with the newest update? (

    whenever i open the scrobbler the now playing tab is acting as if i have nothing open or playing even tho itunes is open and playing music

  10. itsukoii

    yes yes yes!!!
  11. itsukoii

    um marry him
  12. YOOO FINALLY, I'VE BEEN DYING FOR LIVE FOOTAGE i can't tell, is the blonde guitarist seiya?? or ray?? who's the one with the black hair...???!! (could be seiya, i can't see lol)
  13. back to school tomorrow zzzzzz

  14. HELL YES!!!!! fuck europe because i'm not there lmfao good for them tho supersupersuper hyped for the album
  15. itsukoii

    so does life get better after high school lol
  16. does anyone know if this is actually hibari (ex. schmelz cure/mid deracine)'s twitter or just some random guy lmao https://twitter.com/hivaliquid


    i hope it's him, because he looks active

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i think it might be him! seems like he's doing a few session bands and one of them is 邪威 (jai?) which he plays with the guitarist rem from mid deracine!

    2. plastic_rainbow


      in rem's twitter description it lists 邪威 too so i'm pretty sure it's the same hibari.

    3. itsukoii


      omfg i'm so happy, i thought hibari had retired


      i doubt he'll come back in a formal band but it's still nice to see he's still doing things

  17. itsukoii

    nah i like this new logo, their old one was too cheap and blocky-looking +1 for hoping the announcement on september 1st will be the reveal of the album's release date ughhhh i'm tired of waiting
  18. LMAO @ emo yuuki for plagiarizing the lyrics of one of bmth's songs for Light My Fire


    1. nekkichi


      queen of stealing like an artist yassssss

    2. Karma’s Hat
  19. when i got into vk i was still in my emo phase, so i imagine if i hadn't gotten into vk i'd be still into that stuff or western metal/deathcore/metalcore bands, but probably not much else because i'm not one to really branch out beyond the metal/rock genres
  20. itsukoii

    please come back hibari
  21. itsukoii

    oh my god that look... fuck me UP ! i don't know what to expect for the new album but i hope they still remain heavy. hmm
  22. itsukoii

    meet me off the coast of brazil in an hour
  23. itsukoii

    last night on a whim i decided to study for a boating license. breezed through the material today, just took the test and now i have a boating license. lol sweet
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