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Everything posted by zombieparadise

  1. zombieparadise

    Wow. On to a project better suited to his tastes I suppose.
  2. XERO is the worst song on ULTIMA.

    1. patientZERO


      I would argue that there are far worse ... EUREKA is pretty damn bland.

    2. sixblacknine


      I hate ALLERGIE, just that one song, then the rest is good lol 

    3. zombieparadise


      Interesting! ALLERGIE seems to be pretty popular.

      I would agree with you patientZERO, EUREKA ain't great.

      XERO's not that bad anymore, after a few listens I've changed my mind lol.

  3. After a first listen, Juushoku Teiri is equal parts mediocrity, nostalgia and hidden gem all at the same time.

  4. zombieparadise

    Getting really excited reading all of you folks' positive impressions! Sounds like this is going to be something different this time around. Still waiting on my copy.
  5. zombieparadise

    Yay! Some positive news for yet another freaky day.
  6. What an amazing preview. The song sounds great.
  7. zombieparadise

    It's not bad as a song, but it doesn't stand out against the other tracks. Hope there's some sleeper hits on the album. The band looks good and the setting of the video is cool at least.
  8. zombieparadise

    Soooo stupid. Isn't the point of a PV is that it's a PROMOTIONAL VIDEO to promote the music? Why chop it down to half-time 😧 ( I know why, cuz they can make money) Side note: This song's really good!! A breath of fresh air
  9. zombieparadise

    Damn, sad news. I really liked saying '...band with DEATHGAZE's old drummer' when recommending them to new fans
  10. zombieparadise

    Really uninspired album cover, dang. Calling it now—EROS will be the arbitrary jazzy song, RUDENESS will be the one minute generic banger.
  11. zombieparadise

    Imagine if they accidentally reformed DELUHI by swapping the remaining members
  12. zombieparadise

    Vinland Saga's the only one I actually collect these days. Just bought Volume 11.
  13. zombieparadise

    I take back my concerns. PV's for every track is an awesome idea! Definitely buying this.
  14. zombieparadise

    Ah—I kinda figured—Let's just hope that movie isn't 'Plastic Tree' :B
  15. zombieparadise

    Damn, Ryo's looking very suave and apocalyptic!
  16. zombieparadise

    Ominous. 'End Roll' is the last track. What the hell's an 'end roll' anyway?! (Seen that listed as a few songs before; must be in the VK dictionary or something)
  17. Finally deleting my Facebook after using it for 13 years. Can't believe I willingly gave so much information to a private corporation for almost half my life.

    1. zombieparadise


      @Tokage Unfortunately, you're 100% right. If a Smart TV needs to listen for your command, it's listening all the time. Same thing applies to Big Brother Alexas/Homes. No thanks. Sadly, I can't break from my phone just yet 😧

      @tetsu_sama69 I know, right? We got on fine without this shit 10 years ago. I would argue that it's actually made the last decade more worse than better. Gonna miss the family communication, but what can ya do

      @nomemorial I was literally 'endless scrolling' as I was trying to delete it. It's crazy how addictive it is and the developers of the platform know it; it was created with that in mind. I'm going to miss following my bands too, ugh

    2. zombieparadise


       @Tokage Unfortunately, you're 100% right. If a Smart TV needs to listen for your command, it's listening all the time. Same thing applies to Big Brother Alexas/Homes. No thanks. Sadly, I can't break from my phone just yet 😧

      @tetsu_sama69 I know, right? We got on fine without this shit 10 years ago. I would argue that it's actually made the last decade more worse than better. Gonna miss the family communication, but what can ya do

      @nomemorial I was literally 'endless scrolling' as I was trying to delete it! It's crazy how addictive it is and the developers of the platform know it; it was created with that in mind. I'm going to miss following my bands too, ugh. Guess I'll have to stick to sites like MH!

    3. tetsu_sama69


      I do offer my phone number to family so they can keep up with me and I have a hard time making or re-connecting friendships because I don't use facebook or it's messenger app. I've straight up been on facebook posting my "i'm not dead" post and people are like wow we haven't talked in ages and the moment i offer my phone number to text me or them it's like I'm some kind weirdo. It's strange to me because the messenger app just acts like a text and uses your phone number. I think it's just made people feel weird to socialize without it and I don't undestand why.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Where did KEEL go? 😥

    1. zombieparadise


      With Ryo and aie's multiple bands and deadman return this year I get it... But I really hope they get revived at some point! They're way too damn good to go to waste 😧

    2. Jigsaw9


      They've always managed to reappear time and time again, so let's hope that continues. :) Maybe next year when deadman isn't a factor anymore (tho tbh I'd rather take deadman staying for the long run, but what can ya do).

    3. zombieparadise


      I'm torn—I love deadman to bits but if KEEL disbanded today I might feel even worse. I'm not gonna lie though, if deadman being back for another 2-3 years meant KEEL being on hiatus, I'd totally take it XD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. zombieparadise

    Really sad news coming from a great veteran band. I hope this doesn't set the trend for other long-time acts :0 Still, 18-19 years with one band?! Such dedication. I admire it, especially in this scene.
  20. Enigma > MISC.

    1. Jigsaw9


      This was my first time listening to a full release by The THIRTEEN, but I definitely share the opinion! (although it was too long and repetitive after a while, but at least not overly annoying, lol)

    2. zombieparadise


      You know, it's interesting: The THIRTEEN started out miserably, and DIMLIM started out strong—and now the roles seem to be reversing haha. The THIRTEEN's still no Sadie (I was a big fan) imho, but this release isn't half bad.

    3. Jigsaw9


      Yeah, now that you say it... :D 

  21. zombieparadise

    Well, I stand corrected. I was expecting a low-budget change in direction, but it's really a logical extension of the stuff they were doing with Rijin and VANITAS. I'm a bit ambivalent towards this as its sad to see the loss of the VK looks as they extend themselves towards a highly saturated math rock scene. But it's also pretty good. A change of band name would have served them well for this release.
  22. zombieparadise

    "We've changed.now it's your turn next" "Funny world" "What's up ?" ... Uh oh.
  23. Angelo is really killing it on their latest album. Also, LEDA :DDD

  24. Call me a n00b all you want, but when someone talks about 'mixing' making or breaking an album I am borderline retarded. I like what I like mmkay.

    1. zombieparadise


      Maybe I don't have the ear for it, but I've never picked up on the mixing process. Like when a band releases a remastered album, I don't usually notice the differences. Like what you're saying @nomemorial I'd probably need to pay close attention to a song/album/artist I really know and love and contrast that with the new/old versions to really grasp the changes.

      I guess I kind of get what you mean @Peace Heavy mk II regarding the Starwave stuff - Like kind of 'vacuumy'/'underwatery' right?

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @zombieparadiseexactly! And everything is the same level of loudness so there’s no depth to it. Or if the drumming sounds like banging on tin cans, as another example 

    3. zombieparadise


      @Peace Heavy mk II Ah - I think I'm getting it now. SUICIDE ALI comes to mind as a specific example.

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  25. zombieparadise

    I am honestly surprised WTD rates so low on this list. It was my first DEG album and figured it would be a favorite for more, as I figured a lot of western people got into them during that time (and the year's proceeding it's release). Maybe it hasn't aged all that well ? Anyway, it's difficult to pick a favorite as I tend to see them in eras: 'Baby' DEG = GAUZE -> KISOU 'Angsty Teenager DEG' = VULGAR -> MARROW OF A BONE 'Adult DEG' = UROBOROS -> ARCHE '2nd Childhood DEG' = The Insulated World My picks in these personal eras would be: KISOU, WTD, ARCHE, and I guess TIW by default lol Interesting to see such a split of opinions from all across the spectrum though. This is truly a band everyone can enjoy in one form or another.
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