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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. The Sly and Jak trilogies are proof that someone out there cares about you. 

  2. Frustration levels reaching explosive levels, oh my god.

  3. Aferni

    Have you ever felt "hey, im kinda down today.. maybe I'll eat something sweet." Annnd somehow that makes you a bit sadder. How the hell even
  4. The comment section of that kagekui mv is full of people calling them a cheap band, even comparing them to high school festival bands. Yikes. 

  5. Aferni

    The video where they had basically visually recreated the attempted murder of that bartender who got stabbed by his gf and she smoked a cig in the lobby whilst waiting for the police. It was in bad taste honestly, the like to dislike ratio on that video is just yikes. Here's three interesting comments, ちょこぽてとさん: 他バンドのバンギャです。 刺されたホストさんからのツイートが回ってきたので見ました。 被害者さんの気持ちを考えてください。こんなネタにするような曲を作ることで確実にV系の質が落ちました、、偏見が増えるんです。本当にやめてほしいです。逆になぜこの曲でメンバーさんも関連するスタッフさんもこれはダメだとストップ出さなかったんですか?人間性を疑います、一人間として、バンギャとしてすごく悲しいです。 のんのん: 話題性が欲しかったのは分かりました。 でもネタにしては笑えないかと。 歌詞は薄っぺらいし 歌も演奏も下の下、笑っちゃうくらい下手。 まずもっと練習するのをオススメします☺ 貴方達みたいなのがいるから ヴィジュアル系シーンが良くならないんだよ。 早く解散してください。 ちゅみ: ダサいし趣味悪いしキモい。 まったく知らないけど素人バンドか何か? 雑音。 高校の文化祭でバンド発表してる高校生のが上手いわ。 炎上狙うしかないとか底辺バンド。 低レベルバンド過ぎて思いのほか炎上すらしないとゆう。 ファンの人達にも見放されるよねこりゃ。 こんなバンド早く消えるだろうけど、とりあえず見てて気分悪い。 見ていて恥ずかしい。 MVに出演しようとしたこの2人もキ◯チガイだが。 同じ日本人と思いたくないメンタルの持ち主達。 殺したのってw てか、るな君の代わりに名誉毀損で訴えてあげようか。
  6. Please hire ME. 

  7. Im on my phone with my ps4 controller, this is the future 

  8. I made my first cake today and it turned out pretty good. 

  9. Aferni

    I love it, its just avelcain with a different vocalist
  10. Aferni

    Gamestop is gonna be a penny stock in 2020. HA.
  11. The end of a decade, the end of our farce that we fooled eachother into. Good-bye.

  12. Rena should've just joined Articlear or did like a vior gloire revival monthly session because this is embarrassing
  13. Man I really like Kaitou Sentai but that supposed to be blackface or is she supposed to be a gyaru? Either way its very off putting
  14. Bro I will literally sell my soul, can I have llll-Ligro- back...P L E A S E? TAKE MY S O U L, I WANT TOMURAI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    1. platy


      If there's one thing you can expect from MH is Aferni mourning over ligro and platy crying over 9gbo

  15. Aferni

    They did all that mystery bs and released NOTHING. Now they're disbanded and im not surprised.
  16. Aferni

    I made this mistake of watching the H3 podcast where he grilled Trisha Paytas for her lying about Monetization of her "I'm a Trans male" video. I honestly forgot she existed ever since I saw a video about her years ago, when long lost yt child bully leafyishere made a video about her and her Hundred Layers of...fake...jelly challenge..like 3 years ago I think. Whatever,Maybe i'm looking too deep into this? But from one point it goes into her lying about making money from her yt video, that is supposed to be a non-paid video of her announcing that she's a trans male...? Then it proceeds to her explaining that she doesn't have gender Dysphoria and that she has vaginal sex with gay men (fucking how). When they call her on this saying that she wouldn't be given an okay to transition by a Gender Identity Therapist, she then says "Oh no now I do have dysphoria I just don't want a penis because my clitoris is a inverted Penis." Uhhhh, okay. Fast forward to the Gay men thing. Soooooo I'm confused, if you're obsessed on a sexual level with the homosexual variant of the opposite sex before you "become trans", isn't that classified as fetishsizing (Im sorry for butchering this word, if it is actually a word)? After denying this she goes on to misgender one of her fans after wanting people to correctly refer to her as male. Just because you found out you like anal doesn't mean you're a gay trans male. You just like anal sex, and feel free call me out on this, but I don't think a trans man topping...is gonna call it pegging. "I'm a gay trans male drag queen." N.No..that's...that's no...You're straight...with..extra steps. Also she says she's never been with a straight woman...I..I wonder why. I also thought that people who are trans seek to change their image in some type of form, if not surgical then cosmetic? an example of her logic if im not explaining well enough: h3h3: what makes you a man? Trisha: The energy.
  17. Just recently obtained the Deluxe Box sets for Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga, Ar Tonelico, and Magna Carta and a brand spanking new copy of shin megami tensei nocturne. So glad i still have my ps2


  19. Aferni

    I honestly need to give up on you and this "relationship". Neither of us are getting anything out of it except frustration.
  20. My answer to the question is, No.

  21. I wonder if Tsuzuku ever listens to Mejibray. I wonder how difficult it is to listen to Meji after everything. 

    1. Aferni


      He got a lobotomy? 

    2. coffeencoke


      honestly, with his new music it feels like he got a lobotomy lol. idk if Disposable means something other than a joke tho 

    3. platy


      Tzk probably hated every moment of being dark and edgy, but goddamn, he was good at it.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  22. I think I see why Jekyll left. Yikes, what is this,
  23. Oil Pressure is low. Stop Engine.

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