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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

    Right now I'm interested in having a shopping service help me sign up for MERRY's fanclub and buy stuff from there, they're selling some really cool shit right now!!
  2. hitsuji-hime

  3. hitsuji-hime

    ishiki is my mate i want to make gay marriage legal so i can marry him <3 he is very kawaii feminine jrocker
  4. hitsuji-hime

    I first read this as "Waluigi"
  5. hitsuji-hime

    i want pictures of ishiki, kayuu, hizaki, and sato because....well I just need the pictures...
  6. hitsuji-hime

    When did they have that hiatus? Again?!
  7. hitsuji-hime

    Best way to end the year.
  8. hitsuji-hime

  9. hitsuji-hime

    MANDRAGORA – 「×××××××」
  10. hitsuji-hime

    This site is filled with a bunch of pussy-ass wimps who can't even say shit to my face. Rocketeer, I feel your pain.
  11. hitsuji-hime

    2015 is already tearing bands apart....
  12. Mubou Band 2015? Wonder what that's all about.
  13. hitsuji-hime

    Probably realized that his other band sucked, so Zaku made a new one. And it actually sounds decent at least he's not trying to sing in Engrish now thank gawd.
  14. hitsuji-hime

    I never listened to this band but... HOLY SHIT.
  15. jesus gawd, flu season is hitting vk pretty hard right now
  16. hitsuji-hime

    8/10 because crossdressing ♥
  17. hitsuji-hime

    I nyan haven't nyan gotten nyan my nyan albums nyan yet nyan I nyan hope nyan I nyan get nyan them nyan soon ;A; nyaaaaaaa~n
  18. hitsuji-hime

    Damn, seems like a lot of bandmen are getting the flu...
  19. hitsuji-hime

    Gonna try reading this without Google Translate... ...Tokage?
  20. hitsuji-hime

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