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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 3 points
    idk where to post this (seeing as how i'm prob the only one on MH who gave a fuck about TRA TRA TRA) but i need to post this somewhere I'm so so so so glad that Omi is still making music. I can totally see both of these songs being on TRA's album. I wish I could hear Ryo sing them. I've listened to Omi's other music too (it's on iTunes) and it makes me so sad that they didn't release any of those songs as TRA. On a personal note, it's even more heart-wrenching for me considering the recent news with Hiroki (I'm Hiroki gya -_-) so I see Omi's stuff and think of TRA which also makes me think of Hiroki and then all of the conflicting feelings. Granted, if Hiroki was doing illegal shit, I'm glad he got caught when he was with Ageha rather than when he was with TRA. I think I'd def be more pissed if it had happened during TRA. In any case. I fucking love Omi's music <333333 and I'm so glad he's still making the same type of music. I hope he gets more attention!!
  3. 3 points
    Now they need to make a song called DIMLIM.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Please make a precise topic will all of informations ! THE SOUND BEE HD new mini-album "First Blood" will be released at 2020/01/22 (3300yen) it will contain CD (5 songs) and DVD including "First Blood" PV [tracklist] 1. First Blood 2. Zombie tears 3. Whisperers song 4. So what? 5. crack
  6. 2 points

    ghost's drawings

    The Necessities ~Surrounding myself with things I love.
  7. 2 points
    sleepy coffee


    I cant believe you've bamboozled me like this
  8. 2 points
    Making-of before it will go public This is on my throw-away channel that I use for VK stuff, I'll make it a public video some time later, but feel free to watch it now ^^ (Yes I bought the CD, and I had to pay 15 bucks extra because my country decided to check my package because it "was suspicious", so I hope you will all enjoy ^^) Little note, the rip isn't in high quality, but neither the Making-of nor the MV are HD, so I'm not too happy about that TwT
  9. 2 points
    i love them but can they please start releasing their stuff digitally on iTunes because i'm not paying 1800 for both of these.
  10. 2 points
    SHiSHi's second single, 「ぐるぐる症候群」(Guruguru shoukougun), will be released on 2020.01.22. Rinne ban (2,000 yen + taxes)/(CD+DVD) CD 1. ぐるぐる症候群 2. 病みうさぎ2 DVD 1. DVD : ぐるぐる症候群 -MUSIC VIDEO- 2. DVD : ぐるぐる症候群 -MAKING- Tensei ban (1,500 yen + taxes)/(CD only) CD 1. ぐるぐる症候群 2. 病みうさぎ2 3. 必殺!ミラクルアルティメット!
  11. 2 points
    Ro plz


  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Lyrics: 貴方の希望を失えば 私も絶望へ堕ちましょう 貴方の全てを受け入れましょう 離れられぬよう埋め込みましょう 思い出は全て冷凍したの 賞味期限付きの二人の息 じっくりと煮込んだ忠誠心(Last character is read as "しん") 数日後のディナーが楽しみね 真夜中4時の鐘が鳴る 〜Screaming〜 私と貴方だけの味 貴方と私だけの味 貴方の希望を失えば 私も絶望へ堕ちましょう 貴方の全てを受け入れましょう 離れられぬよう埋め込みましょう 〜Screaming〜 2人だけの秘密の味 私と貴方だけの味 貴方と私だけの味 「お待ちかねのディナー」 (始めましょう) 貴方がその目を失えば 私はこの目くり抜きましょう 貴方その腕を失えば 私はこの腕を切り落とすの 貴方が理性を失えば 一匙味見をしてみましょう 貴方が声帯を失えば 私の舌を足し隠し味よ 貴方が温度を失えば 私の皮膚(はだ)を剥ぎ茹でましょう 貴方がその骨を失えば 私の骨砕き調味料に 最後に貴方を失えば 私の心臓を盛り付けて 絶品な手料理(フルコース)召し上がれ お味はいかが?良くできたでしょう? 同じ世界で一つになりましょう 同じ世界で散っていきましょう 同じ世界で神となりましょう これは歪んだ愛なのでしょうか? いいえ、紛れもなく純愛でした
  14. 1 point

    SHiSHi have a new look + new single

    why do I enjoy this
  15. 1 point

    SHiSHi have a new look + new single

    very enjoyable song - wish they'd do mainly songs like this! "unfortunately" not.. at first i thought so too but looking at the tracklist that first PV teaser will be the 2nd song on their upcoming release for real....
  16. 1 point
    Same mentality. I've been sleeping on this band for a while, come to find they're really nice. I'm finding it increasingly harder as someone overseas to justify buying CDs w/ shipping costs when I'm hunting live-limited stuff from other bands ;;. This is coming from someone who used to EMS ship new multi-type releases in bulk for ~$200 a month. Nowadays I get one or two shipped via small-packet a few times a year. Neverland doing digital was the best thing since sliced-bread. A couple other bands I follow use OTOTOY which does FLAC (which is also great.) - Now back on-topic, this is really good :D!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point

    Fate Grand Order

    Just upping this in case people have come across FGO and play it now or just are interested in starting. I am still *very* active, even after two years of daily playing. Come to the dark side everyone, there's gacha.
  20. 1 point

    SHiSHi have a new look + new single

    They said they did it on purpose. Like a lot of people were like 'wtf is this' to their usagi thing but they did it with the new single in mind. rebirth?? or something like that. I forget the word/kanji they used (I wasn't 100% paying attention lol), but they def talked about it tonight and it was definitely planned.
  21. 1 point

    HOWL New Look

  22. 1 point
    that's fine, i'm not so much these days, i mostly just buy to support. but i find this price exorbitant for what you're getting. i went to their oneman final in june and bought cheki, both versions of their album, etc. i just like digital purchasing when i can.
  23. 1 point
    Psychedelic J Space Rock ain't half bad: https://dhidalahggb.bandcamp.com/album/threshold
  24. 1 point
    So, they changed the whole thing?
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Tickets are now on sale via this link here: https://tourlink.to/cjwW I just ordered my ticket to see them in Paris!
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Hide deserves to be peacefully buried already but some people still continue to fuck his corpse. It's all about the money ofc.
  30. 1 point

    New project "Vanitas" has formed

    Or Nega or Dir en grey
  31. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    I'm finally back. Last night, I dreamt that I was sat around a table in the staff room of the place I do work experience at with the characters of Dragon Quest VIII (best DQ btw). Angelo announced to us all that he was sick of being a Templar knight and was going to become a minstrel. I cuddled up to him and told him I thought that was hot then we stood up and he hugged me back. We kind of stumbled onto all the staff members' bags and we kissed and I don't remember much after that but knowing Angelo, I'm sure what happened next was... interesting. Also, you know when something doesn't explicitly happen in a dream but you feel like it's true of that dream? It was never stated but I feel like I was dating the hero of DQ8 at the time so I was basically cheating on him right in front of him. Dream me is a homewrecking binch.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Favorite song by far on the single and now with subs
  35. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    Eu comecei com Nightmare, ahaha! (obviamente Death Note etc) Eu curti as músicas e pensei "hmmm, será que no Japão eles fazem músicas sem ser pra anime?" HSUAIHDIUASDHUASD Peguei o "the WORLD Ruler" e ouvi em loop infinitas vezes, aí começou a desgraça... sahuidhiausdh ❤️
  36. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    I remember being super ambivalent, but now I miss tf outta them.
  37. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    OI PESSOAS ❤️ Eu tô surtando que vocês tão firmes e fortes nessa solidão IRL que é gostar de VK ahsduiahusidasd (pelo menos a minha adolescência foi bem solitária taokei mas tinha o DEUS DELKMIROPH PRA AMAR VIA MSN BONS TEMPOS DELK TE AMO) Eu tô fazendo o meu 「REVIVAL」 pessoal e re:ouvindo tudo, impossível largar nsjnsjgnsjgnasd ❤️
  38. 1 point
    Small extra info mentioned in that cali-gari × deadman collab news article: apparently aie does guest backing vocals on one of the mini album's songs!
  39. 1 point
    All this confirms is that KEEL and DECAYS aren't coming back anytime soon. I'm happy for Aie And both Cali Gari and Deadman but fuck, bro.
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Slothreat gonna release a split cd with nekomanju. The physical cd will be only sold at venues but hopefully we get a worldwide digital release
  43. 1 point
    ^been following them for awhile! 80s slash horror fans will totally dig their stuff too. i bought the survival horror-style game "the glass staircase" but have still yet to play it. hope they will make more survival horror games cuz it looks so good, and i'm a huge fan of the genre. on another note, i don't wanna pour 100+ hours on a persona game again but persona 5 scramble looks amaaaaazing
  44. 1 point

    HOWL New Look

  45. 1 point

    The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic

    Well, it's gonna happen. I'm gonna have to buy a Switch next year. Finally, I'll fucking do it, if only for this. https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-new-horizons-switch/
  46. 0 points
    4. So what? 5. crack classic.
  47. 0 points

    SHiSHi have a new look + new single

    me after listening to this 3 times now
  48. 0 points
    Absolutely not. My dad is Dynamite Tommy, he told me about it.
  49. 0 points
    minor, non-vk related note - I've already cancelled on everyone stanning K*m P*tr*s but this time Universe blessed us with receipts so you still have a chance to cancel yourself over your stanning of this lobotomized enabler if their past rape apologizm didn't flinch u in a bit
  50. 0 points
    i cant believe they're gonna play the insulated world live for 48 hours straight
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