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About This Club

A band that is incredibly slow with releases but, makes some pretty good shit if you ask me. Anyone is free to join and I encourage you to join if you love Kuroyuri.

  1. What's new in this club
  2. So on Twitter, our little blue-purple haired Mei tweeted out a new outfit of his, and the links to buy the two main parts to it. Now, I can't link the tweet, because it's a private tweet. HOWEVER, I can link the links to where one in Japan can buy the outfit parts, the pictures of Mei-chan in the outfit. Hat: https://www.galaxybroadshop.com/products/detail.php?product_id=748 Dress: https://www.galaxybroadshop.com/products/detail.php?product_id=945 Our cute creep in the outfits:
  3. Good for them. They've had it rough with labels and drummers, it'd be nice if they could catch a break. Thanks for answering all my questions btw, I know I've asked a lot!
  4. I personally think Kuroyuri's given up on the idea of being on someone else's label. I mean there is the mismanagement of them on Shinjou Kasumi's label back when they were Memento Mori, and then there is the AINS deal. I think they're looking on to producing themselves and developing more on their own
  5. That's good, at least. I don't know much about production costs and all the responsibilities of forming an independent label but I was wondering how it stacked up against finding another label. If their contract with Ains ended they technically could have, right? But maybe creative freedom was worth more to them idk I hope they'll be able to make full use of it
  6. I am not entirely sure. I do hope it will be. They've been playing a lot with Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, which is a super group made up of members from older big name Vkei bands, so they're benefiting from that.
  7. They're pretty much indie now, on their own label called "Yamikakumei"
  8. True. Kisaki's a tough act to top lol. Yukika still somehow manages to pull them in... who's kuroyuri with now?
  9. Well he doesn't have very many artists signed at one time. Even at Ains' height, he only had 5 bands, including Mediena and Malisend. He's not like Kisaki where he has 30 bands all on one label, but this also means he doesn't make very much money so he ends up milking his bands dry
  10. I see. I remember reading a long thread on him and Ains a little while ago, he's one shady dude. Starting new sub-labels and secret ones and who knows what else, and shifting bands, dropping bands, I really wonder how he keeps track of everything.
  11. They were kicked from Ains (Because the label boss, Yukika, is an ass) in 2016, so last year, and only recently have they completely finished their contract with Ains, because Zouki no Nozoki Ana was the last single to have any Ains staff involved.
  12. Yeah, they put out a pretty solid single though so I hope things are at least looking up. I think that was one of the biggies I was wondering when Memento Mori disbanded if they would cut all traditional instruments out of their music, it would be good if they do get more opportunities to experiment (and not just bc I miss MM) I didn't know that about Mei! And they left ains a little while ago right?
  13. I think they want to experiment more, but are too busy trying to get back on their feet. I mean, Kuro plays an Okinawan instrument (the Sanshin. he posted pictures of him doing so on Twitter), K can do some really funky slap bass, and Mei is into Showa Era (1930's-1980's) music, which was actually demonstrated in the song "Child Mother", which is Ryukoka inspired. It's just that they're too busy working on things to release anything out there, since they're currently touring with other bands, and sorting out record label business.
  14. I was worried about this band for a while after they released their first album since they didn't do anything for what felt like a really long time... and man, it's such a bad habit. It takes so much longer for me to get un-sick of a song than the time it takes for me to get sick of one you'd think I'd just learn and include some variety with new songs but nope!!
  15. Same, I really miss Memento Mori. And also, same, I tend to play songs until I get tired of them xD
  16. hakkyou no karte and toshabutsu are my two favorites atm. I was pretty down when memento mori broke up but I looked forward to kuroyuri. I liked their first album quite a lot but I think I listened to yokusou too many times and ended up getting tired of it
  17. I have a lot of favorite Songs. but I like benjo, it's a great song to start a (mini)album. furan furan is really heavy and the guitarriff is eargams in any way. Hakkyou no Karte is their newest song and this song is a beast, i like the the screams here and i cant describe which type of them it ts.
  18. I feel you there on Hesonoo ^^. I like the how the chorus effect on Koyomi's guitar is used. It's set so you kinda hear a wavering sound. Normally in Vkei, the chorus effect on guitars are set to where there is no waver. Also the pitch bends Kuro does really give a unique feel. Most Vkei guitarist only bend to get different notes, but Kuro does it to give vibrato. The overall feel of the song makes me nostalgiac. There is a french word for this feeling you get when listening to nostalgiac music. Frisson. Every element of this song, from the guitars, to Mei's amazing vocals, really trigger this effect.
  19. I have a lot of favorite Kuroyuri to Kage songs but my absolute favorite is hesonoo since it's one of the first songs I ever heard by them. It's also a bit different than their other songs since it's slower and I just really like Mei's cleans. I enjoy their heavier stuff but I'm a sucker for slower songs.
  20. So I thought I should start off with another post like this on my Kuroyuri club. So first is Sakurabi, Awaki Samidare Ni. There are two versions of this song and I like them for different reasons. However, let's go with what both have in common: Both are heavy metalcore songs with a traditional feel, and were recorded* with their old drummer, Carua. No one knows why Carua left, but their are rumours that he did to finish high school. The old version was originally released as a single, and had a low budget. Shinjou Kasumi bands in general at the time didn't have high budgets, but this kinda takes the cake. However, it's still pretty impressive. Mei's vocals aren't the best (He wouldn't improve until they recorded the first album) but for a band's second single, they're pretty good. The instrument used in this one is a Taishogoto, a kind of harp with typewriter keys, made in the Taisho period. They're also heard on Ningen Isu songs, Sukekiyo songs (played with a bow) and on The Final by Dir en Grey. The album version has a better production quality, and shows off Mei's improved vocals. Also what has changed is the instruments, as this time, it just uses a regular Koto. What's interesting is that the studio version uses a Piano in the intro, but the live version uses a Shamisen. Why this is? IDK *Carua left right before the release of the first album. However, Yue didn't join until the album was released. So it's safe to say Carua was involved in the recording. Next is Kinou no Kowai Yume. This is Kuroyuri's newest song, and it shows a definite improvement from their previous releases. This was the first Kuroyuri song to truly impress me since their only full length album. Mei's vocals definitely impressed me on this one, and the song structure isn't as formulaic. If I were to introduce someone to Kuroyuri, I'd use this song. Anyways, what are your favourite Kuroyuri songs? I'm curious.
  21. Update: I have cleaned up and added to the rules section to make it clearer to understand.
  22. So I came across this really crappy fanfic I made a year ago. It's funny, but poorly written. I imagined the Kuroyuri members as stars on this really fucked up version of Dora the Explorer and made this xD. It's more of a TV script if anything. https://www.wattpad.com/235649502-karasuna-mei-morbid-explorer-episode-1-aokigahara
  23. Discuss lyrics here. Anything that catches your eye, translations, etc.
  24. Post any photos or Fanart here!
  25. That is a good idea. Thanks!

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